New stone mullions for Old Hall Farm, Otley.
This week we were given the job to make two replacement stone mullions by a customer who is renovating an old farm house.
The part of the house we were working on was built in 1647 and has had many alterations within that time. One of the alterations was removing two stone mullions from the ground floor. This was done to make the four mullion windows (lights) to just two, this is quite common as it lets more light into that room.

Our first job was to locate two suitable lumps of millstone grit which came from a local quarry to get as near match as we could. Below you will see one of the lumps of millstone grit.

First job was to mark out the stone to get the best match possible to the existing mullion.

One angle carved and needled up, just another three angles to go then the first one is complete.

This is the first mullion complete and ready to be fitted.

The window is coming out and the first mullion has gone in and has been fixed in place. NEXT!!!

Both mullions carved and fitted.
If you live in a property like this one that's grade listed please go through the right channels if your wanting to do any renovations or changes. That way we get to keep these wonderful properties for years to come and they keep their character.
Thanks for reading.